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Royal Commission arrives in SA

The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse has arrived in South Australia.  The Royal Commission’s Chief Executive Officer, Ms Janette Dines, announced that face-to-face private sessions with Commissioners start this week in Adelaide and will continue during July.

Private sessions have been running in Sydney and Brisbane over recent weeks and Ms Dines said that the Royal Commission is very happy with the response to date.

“People who have come to a private session tell us that it was a positive and very worthwhile experience,” Ms Dines has said.

Private sessions are conducted in an informal setting in the presence of one or two Commissioners.

The Royal Commission encourages people affected by child sexual abuse in an institution to register to tell their story to the Royal Commission by:

  1. Phoning 1800 099 340
  2. Emailing
  3. Writing to GPO Box 5283, Sydney NSW 2001

If you need more information, including about support services, visit the Royal Commission’s website at or the Respond SA website at

Read the full media release from the Royal Commission below:

Royal Commission arrives in SA (Media Release)