Ruby’s Story is a new online video that discusses issues around childhood sexual abuse and disclosure available on our RespondSA website here. It has been created for survivors, family, friends and professional workers.
Ruby’s Story talks about the humiliations, shaming, isolation and abuses she experienced in Institutional Care. She recalls the physical and emotional abuse and sexual abuse she experienced growing up in Institutional Care and the family circumstances that led to her being placed in care. She speaks about the ongoing effects this abuse has had in her life and what it has taken for her to survive as a young person and as an adult. Ruby demonstrates throughout this recording the remarkable skills and determination she brought to surviving these traumas. Her resistance is marked by an innate sense that what was happening to her was an injustice.
We met Ruby through Elm Place (Post Care and Find & Connect) at Relationships Australia South Australia. When Ruby came to Elm Place she had already done significant work to make sense of these experiences through consulting with a psychologist, through attending courses and making use of other relevant services. She has been active throughout her life in seeking help from others, in developing relationships of support with family and friends and in speaking out about the abuse she experienced in an institution that was supposed to provide care and protection to her as a child.
For confidential information and support contact one of our related services:
Find & Connect: History and information about Australian orphanages, children’s Homes and other institutions. Phone: 1800 161 109.
Post Care Support Services: A service providing support to adults who were in out-of home care or under the Guardian of the Minister as children. Phone: 1800 188 118.
Royal Commission Support Services: Support for people who are affected by the Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse. Phone: 1800 099 340.