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SA Adoption Act – Review Underway Now

The South Australian Government is currently reviewing the SA Adoption Act and invites you to have your say. 

The South Australian Government is seeking your feedback and input into this review and your ideas will be taken into consideration as this Act is reviewed.

For a deeper understanding of the current issues, you can download the discussion paper.

In particular, the Government is seeking your thoughts on several specific issues, including:

  • adoption information vetoes
  • adoption of a person over the age of 18 years
  • retention of the child’s birth names
  • same-sex couples and adoption
  • single person adoption
  • discharge of adoption orders in certain circumstances.

There are several ways in which you can provide feedback.

  • Feedback form
  • Email
  • Appointment

For more information download the media release, or to participate in the review visit the Your Say website. Counselling and support is also available to anyone affected by adoption, including adoptees, adoptive parents, and those who have lost a child to adoption, through our Post Adoption Support Service.