The FASS program is for those who are affected by past forced adoptions policies and practices in Australia, also known as ‘local’ adoptions.
This service is available for mothers and fathers who have lost a child/children to adoption, adult adoptees, and extended family members. This is a national service, where people can access support in the state they live in regardless of which state the adoption took place in.
We provide forced adoption support services, call us on 1800 21 03 13.
Forced adoptions between 1950 and 1975
Did you know that between 1950 and 1975, approximately 250,000 adoptions were recorded in Australia? And many were forced adoptions. To learn more visit the forced adoption history project, HERE.
Without Consent Online
‘Without Consent’ is a project that shows moving experiences of heartbreak and resilience. Click here to view video portraits of people impacted by Australia’s past adoption practices.
How we can help
Forced Adoption Support Services (FASS) can provide counselling, information and support, assistance with family search and reunion, and referral to other services and networks. We also provide links and referrals to peer support and advocacy groups.
FASS offers a range of education and support groups and adoption focussed workshops. Our experienced staff are respectful of people’s differing choices and opinions, and we acknowledge and value the diverse experiences of those affected by forced adoption.
- Information for people who have been adopted
- Information for mothers and fathers who have lost a child to adoption
Our Outreach Process for Local Adoption is here.
Link to the Forced Adoption History Project is here.
Link to the Department of Social Services Forced Adoptions web site is here.
Report of the Review of the South Australian Adoption Act 1988 – Review Recommendations
During 2014-15, the South Australian Adoption Act 1988 and Adoption Regulations 2004 were reviewed by independent reviewer, Associate Professor Lorna Hallahan, and many of you participated in this review process. The Review report is now available from the DECD website which you can find here:
If you have any have concerns or feel distressed with any of the Recommendations proposed, please contact us here at Post Adoption Support Services on (08) 8245 8100 or the Forced Adoption Support Services on 1800 21 03 13. At this stage the Government has not responded to the proposed recommendations, and we will keep you informed as to when this occurs.
Small Grants Program
The Small Grants program is aimed at activities that build capacity and enhance support for people affected by forced adoption. The maximum grant amount payable is $3000 per application, and there will be 2 funding rounds per year in April and October.
Small Grants funding may be used for a range of peer support activities which are inclusive and promote well-being, self determination, and access to support and advocacy for people affected by forced adoption. These activities include, but are not restricted to:
• Capacity building opportunities such as local or national training, and community education.
• Retreats, including facilitation costs, accommodation, meals and travel
• Group facilitation costs, including cost to engage facilitator
• Group therapy costs (e.g. in creative and expressive art), including cost to engage therapist
• Production of memorials
• Venue and group meeting costs for support and advocacy, including catering and materials
These grants cannot be used for activities that will benefit a sole person or for brokerage for individual counselling and other services.
Applicants are encouraged to consider Activities that will enable your group or organization to continue to provide support to your community into the future. This could include:
• Training in mental health first aid (for those providing telephone support)
• Training in working with the media (for those involved in advocacy)
• Website development
If you would like more information about the Small Grants Program, or for an application pack, please contact Nikki Hartmann, Manager Forced Adoption Support Services at or call 08 8245 8139.
The Forced Adoptions Support Services (FASS) Small Grants Program are pleased to announce that we have funded the following projects:
The Forced Adoptions Support Services (FASS) Small Grants Program are pleased to announce that we have funded the following projects…
October 2017 grant round:
Applicant: Adoptee Information and Advocacy Services SA
Website Development
Applicant: Heather Waters Productions
Weekend away for adoptees for the purposes of making a documentary film about adoption.
April 2017 grant round:
Applicant: Adoptee Information and Advocacy Services SA
Travel costs for 2 adoptees to go to Melbourne to join the first Australian National Adoptee Roundtable.
Applicant: IdentityRites
Production, printing and launch of a book of adoptee anthologies ‘Adopted’.
Applicant: Adoptee Support Group
Art Therapy workshop for adoptees.
Applicant: Mothers Support Group
Art Therapy Day for mothers who have lost a child to adoption
Forced Adoption Support Service Funding Extended
On 21 March 2013, the then Prime Minister Julia Gillard apologised on behalf of the Australian Government to people affected by forced adoption or removal policies and practices. Following this, the Australian Government committed $11.5 million (nationally) over four years to assist those affected by forced adoptions. This four-year period was due to end on 30 June 2017.
We are pleased to advise that our Forced Adoption Support Services (FASS) funding will be extended for another four years. Read on for more details.
Training for Health Professionals
Our Post Adoption and Forced Adoption Support Services provide a range of support options to individuals and families who are affected by adoption. The Australian Psychological Society, with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health, has developed a national online training program designed to support health professionals working in mainstream services to deliver their services in an appropriate and sensitive manner to people who have been affected by forced adoption policies and practices in Australia. The training is free for all health and community professionals including counsellors, therapists, general practitioners, psychiatrists, psychologists, social workers, occupational therapists, mental health nurses and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health workers. For more information, visit:
Once you have completed this training and would like to go on our preferred provider list for referrals from our service, please contact Nikki Hartmann, Manager PASS and FASS on (08) 8245 8100.
Locations Available
There is no cost to for direct client service. Fees will apply for some activities when using external specialists and for our Professional Development Training.
Service Resources
Funding Acknowledgement
Forced Adoption Support Service is provided by Relationships Australia South Australia and funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Service Enquiry
Use this form to enquire about our services.