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Future Youth Initiative/SCILS

Future Youth Initiative Service aims to improve the social and emotional wellbeing of children, young people and their families.

Future Youth Initiative (FYI), also known as the SCILS (Schools, Community, Innovations and Learning Service), helps young people to develop pathways for achieving success in learning or in moving into the workforce. FYI is for young people (age 12-21) who are:

  • Enrolled in school but are at risk of leaving early
  • Attending school but not actively participating in their education
  • About to leave school, or have left, and are not pursuing employment or further education.

FYI provides young people with a range of support, including case management, or enrolment in a day or more at one of the FYI Hubs where students can combine learning courses across the areas of Wellbeing, Education, Employability and Independent Living Skills.

For detailed information about the FYI program, visit their webpage here.

Child & Youth Case Management

Our case management model is true outreach. Our team is known for their ‘never give up’ approach. The high attendance rate shows that our approach is working. Each term, case managers work with hundreds of students across metropolitan Adelaide. We meet weekly with the young person in an environment that is safe and comfortable. Together we develop a plan for the year ahead, set goals and explore the options for learning and wellbeing.

View the ‘Whatever it takes’ video to see how Child and Youth Case Management can make a difference to the lives of young people.


The FYI Hub offers accredited courses through our registered training organisation, the Institute of Social Relations, and other education programs in four different areas:

Young people may mix and match sessions from one or all of the courses to structure an individualised timetable to fit with their individualised plan. Young people may choose to attend the Hub for one to five days per week. Flexible start and finish times are available for late risers or students who have other commitments. Students set their own goals and tailor their timetables from programs in one or all four of our course lines.

Visit the FYI website for more information.

Locations Available


Please contact us for fee information.

Service Enquiry

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