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Family Relationship Centres

Linking you to a range of services to support family relationships and providing specialist support when separation occurs.

Family Relationship Centres provide information and confidential assistance to couples and families and we can refer you to the services that can assist you, whether it is beginning new relationships, strengthening relationships, or when separating. There are four locations in South Australia where we provide services in Adelaide, Port Adelaide, Elizabeth and Salisbury. Visit the Family Relationship Centre website to find the FRC closest to you.

Our Centres are co-located with a wide-range of other Relationships Australia SA services and we have strong referral links to other services provided by many organisations.

How we can help you

We can connect people to the right services, support, or personal education and skills training about any issue affecting their relationships. This includes mental health problems, gambling, family and domestic violence, relationship problems, and parenting or grand-parenting issues.

Separating parents

We can help separating parents to focus on their children and reach parenting agreements without going to court, and minimise conflict and acrimony.

If you are separated or in the process of separating, our Family Dispute Resolution service can help you and your former partner (co parent or carer) come to an agreement on parenting issues. In most situations, Family Dispute Resolution is now compulsory for separating parents before starting legal proceedings about the care of their children. (There are some situations where it is not possible, for example, where safety is an issue). Before proceeding to Family Dispute Resolution, we will meet with you individually to discuss your situation. Whatever the issue or difficulty, you can call to talk to one of our Family Advisors or drop in to see us.

Resources and information for families

We also offer child-focused information sessions online for parents using our Family Dispute Resolution service.

Locations Available


This service is subsidised by the Commonwealth Government. For some services there is no cost. Where a fee applies it is determined according to household income and includes concession rates. Fees can be negotiated or waived.

Service Resources

Funding Acknowledgement

Family Relationship Centres are funded by the Australian Government Attorney-General’s Department, through the Department of Social Services.


Service Enquiry

Use this form to enquire about our services.