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Shared Parenting after Separation Study: Focus groups

Associate Professor Bruce Smyth from the Australian National University is currently investigating how different post-separation parenting arrangements work for children and parents.

Professor Smyth is hoping to speak with separated parents in focus groups in Adelaide, Melbourne, Sydney, and Canberra.

He’s especially interesting in speaking with separated fathers or mothers with:

(a) shared-time arrangements (where children equal or near-equal time with each parent) OR (b) arrangements where children live mainly with their mother. (For ethical reasons, parents who have recently separated (i.e. within the past 12 months) &/or who are currently in court over children’s matters may not be able to participate.)

If you’re interested in participating in the study or would like more information about it, please contact Bruce on 1800 702 927 (toll free, business hours) or

General information about the study is available at:

Participation in this project is voluntary. All information will be treated in strict confidence as far as allowed by law.

The ethical aspects of this research have been approved by the Australian National University (ANU) Human Research Ethics Committee (Protocol No. 2013-574).