Relationships Australia South Australia is happy to announce our commitment to the White Ribbon Australia Workplace Accreditation program. We’ve recently completed the first step in the accreditation process, Recognition, and will continue to work towards full accreditation by 28 February 2016.
Violence against women – whether it occurs in or beyond the workplace – impacts on the health and safety of women at work, their wellbeing and their productivity. It may also impact negatively on the reputation of the organisation and bottom-line profit and loss.
The Workplace Accreditation Program recognises workplaces that are taking active steps to prevent and respond to violence against women, accrediting them as a White Ribbon Workplace. The Program is an award-winning initiative which is complementary to women’s empowerment initiatives and strengthens the organisation’s stance in relation to anti-bullying legislation
White Ribbon Workplaces are centres of respect and proactivity in relation to the safety of women in the workplace, and are members of a truly leading edge cohort, both nationally and internationally.
At Relationships Australia South Australia, we believe that workplaces can make a difference in stopping violence against women. We aim to encourage greater understanding, knowledge and action around violence prevention for the benefit of both our organisation and our staff.
For more information about the White Ribbon campaign and the Workplace Accreditation Program, please visit