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Writers group for adoptees affected by forced adoption practices

Relationships Australia South Australia’s new Forced Adoptions Support services, in conjunction with IdentityRites, a community adoptee peer support and advocacy group, are launching a monthly writers group.

Writing can be a powerful tool which can have positive effects on one’s mental and emotional health. It can assist in the expression of thoughts and feelings and assist the writer with a deeper understanding of their adoption experience. This group will offer a way to explore the lifelong effects of adoption on adoptees in a creative and supportive environment.

David Chappel from the SA Writers Centre will be facilitating a monthly writers group for adoptees affected by past forced adoption practices. This will initially be for 6 months, with the option to continue for a further 6 months.

If you are interested in attending this group, or for more information, please contact Nikki Hartmann on 8245 8100 to discuss if this group is suitable for your needs.

We will be encouraging participants to utilise existing support structures / services to respond to any emotional responses you may have through this process.

Date: Every second Sunday of the month, starting 17 May.

Time: 1.00pm – 3.00pm

Venue: Relationships Australia South Australia, 49A Orsmond St. Hindmarsh

Cost: $10 per month

View or download the flyer here.